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About us

We are a small team of developers, infrastructure engineers, and hardware geeks who are passionate about infrastructure automation. It's great to have you here!

A note about goverance

This project is lead by a group of software engineers passionate about infrastructure. At this point in the project our focus is on delivering a set of software that represents our collective experience in this space - infrastructure, soups to nuts. There is no formal goverance structure in place at this time. As the project takes shape, and there is an organic growth of contributors and end users, we will revisit this topic.

Community Meeting

The community meeting will be held on the Thursday of each odd week at 10:30 am CT on Zoom. This is flexible to the needs of the community and may change in the future.

You can expect updates from SIGS, project status, and open discussion. This is the best way to get involved with the project and stay up to date with the latest developments.

As the project develops and grows we will seek out tooling to help automate these interaction points and make them more accessible to the community. But for now, we have limited time and resources.

Mailing list

We're using Google Groups to manage a mailing list - Infratographer Community

Last update: 2023-08-31
Created: 2023-08-31